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On Treatment

On Treatment

May 30, 2016

The therapeutic process gegins within the heart and soul of the client much prior to making the initial connection and coming in for the firtst session. The client thinks, considers - should I go into therapy? which type? who will be my therapist? how will i present myself? get the help i need.


Many more questions can arise when considering Therapy: What is wrong with me? Maybe i can cope on my own? who is the therapist and how will i trust them? how long is the process, will i be diagnosed?


these are important questions to bring with you and ask as needed during the first meetings with the therapist.

On Psychology

May 30, 2016

What is psychology? is it a science? is it theory-based? and if so, how does it apply to me? 

The Therapeutic Process

May 30, 2016

How long will I be in therapy? defining the length and general rules of the meetings is part of the therapeutic alliance formed between the Client and the Therapist. it is up to them to decide whether a short term treatment is in order (with specific defined goals) or a long term, in depth process will most benefit the Client and will enhance his/her better and deeper understanding of the Self.


Diagnostic Assessment

May 30, 2016

Diagnostic or Psychodiagnostic Assessment is carried out at the wish of the Client, at the referral of the therapist, for professional boards (occupational requirements,; parental capacities as requested by the legal system or social workers;  surrogacy candidates; school boards for children) and for expert opinions in legal processes.

Psychodiagnostic Assessment is a comprehensive review of the person's traits, strengths and weaknesses, psychological difficulties, intelligence and coping methods. 

The psychological tests include projective methods (Rorschach etc.) and questionnaires (MMPI).

The Clients-Preschoolers, Children, Teens, Adults, Old age

May 30, 2016

Each of us needs listening and understanding. The helping hand that would be most helpful and accommodating to the language, speech, approach and type of encounter most suited to us. 

Children and preschoolers view the world through play, and therefore therapy as well is in their language - play, art, and speech according to their preferences. The family as a whole, and parental meetings are also an integral part of child psychotherapy.

Teenagers require assistance in the difficult tasks of growing up, dealing with other teens, and with the new found independence that clashes at times with parents and authoritative figures. At these times it is important for them to find the ear that will help them guide themselves through puberty.

Adult psychotherapy is speech driven and defined according to the therapeutic alliance reached during the sessions - duration, purposes, approach. 

For all ages trust and a good bond with the therapist are essential.


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